Keep Renewable Energy Systems Running
Reliably and Safely
Sustainable energy solutions are leading us into a clean and renewable future. As wind power, hydro power, and solar power sources scale to serve more communities and industries, it’s essential that they run safely, reliably, and cost-effectively. For that, they need access to real-time data from next-generation infrastructure. Red Lion solutions connect renewable energy systems to visualize data they need to maximize performance, minimize downtime, and manage costs to serve customers better while sustainably powering the planet.
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Application Engineer
Industrial Data Solutions that Drive Operational Value
Red Lion puts renewable energy providers on the path to improved productivity and reliability. Our rugged products give renewable energy producers the ability to seamlessly access, connect, and visualize their operations.
- Gain real-time access over systems to maximize production, support predictive maintenance, and minimize labor costs
- Monitor critical operational data to maintain optimal performance, detect and fix problems quickly
- Gather and process input from remote I/O devices to detect issues early and accurately and plan a timely and cost-effective response

Wind Power
- Optimize output and prevent gearbox and turbine issues through continuous monitoring of sensor data (oil temperature, pressure, vibration, speed, braking, pitch, etc.)
- Initiate corrective action automatically and/or remotely
- Manage bird strikes remotely through video monitoring
Solar Power
- Monitor solar panels, transformers, and inverters in real-time
- Quickly detect and diagnose issues (leaks, blocked panels, shade, etc.) and initiate correction remotely to minimize loss
Hydro Power
- Access, monitor, and control hydroelectric generators, including underwater components
- Get real-time data on tidal turbine blades, pumps, and valves (tide strength, direction, pressure, flow, etc.) automatically and remotely