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Sixnet® I/O Tool Kit Revision History

Sixnet® I/O Tool Kit Revision History

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New Features & Changes:
458Tool kitReleasing VT-MIPm-138-D and VT-MIPm-248-D.
Fixed Issues:
460Tool kitThe secondary controller in redundancy can have any station name and not necessarily _bak.
462Tool kitAny invalid E2 module & base pairing is readback as Mix modoule.



Fixed Issues:
456ToolkitThe Toolkit should accept and load FWs0100.bin as E2-16DISOE firmware file.



New Features & Changes:
359Tool kitAdded E2-16DI24-HV, E2-16DISoE-HV and E2-16ISO20M-HV Module in ST-IPM-8460 and Tool kit.
358E2 Firmware version 2.09 and Web UI version 1.20Added support for E2-16DI24-HV and E2-16ISO20M-HV.
360Calibration is disabled for E2-16ISO20M-HVCalibration of E2-16ISO20M-HV module is disabled.
361Analog Options is configurable in 16DI24-HV Web UI“Analog input integration” option is removed from the Analog Options in the WebUI of 16DI24-HV module.
362Screw terminal assignment for 16DI24-HV & 16ISO20M-HVIn WebUI the Screw Terminal Assignment in Documentation is made available for 16DI24-HV and 16ISO20M-HV modules.
Fixed Issues:
456ToolkitThe Toolkit should accept and load FWs0100.bin as E2-16DISOE firmware file.
341Digital Input Module(E2-16DI24)The Issue of the pair of DI channels acting as 32 bit counter even after the deselecting "Report as 32 bit counter result as pair of register" is resolved.
345Format Battery Backed RAMThe issue of COM Port being locked after NVRAM format is resolved.
389Clear Configuration of ST-IPm-8460The issue of Toolkit crash during Clear Configuration operation of ST-IPm-8460 is resolved.



Fixed Issues:
389Tool KitThe issue of Tool kit crashing on Clear Configuration is resolved.
345Tool KitThe issue - After NVRAM format the RTU boots up, but cannot communicate with the Toolkit via COM Port- is resolved.



New Features & Changes:
201Tool kitAdded Red Lion Workbench redundancy support in ST-IPM-8460 and Tool kit.
321Red Lion WorkbenchRed Lion Workbench serial support changed from serial Port A to Port B.
Fixed Issues:
322Tool KitUnused variables and their values were present in general.config file of ST-IPM-8460. Now these Unused variables values are Null.



New Features:
188Tool KitAdded Icon in Tool kit Menu to open Red Lion Workbench..
Fixed Issues:
199Tool KitWhen exporting tags from the Tool Kit to Red Lion Workbench project, the Floats were exported as Reals and Longs were exported as DWORDs. Now both are exported as DINT.
203Tool KitFixed the extraction of E2 firmware bundles issue. Now, it can be launched more than once.
158InstallationTool Kit 5.0.101 can be installed on Windows XP virtual machine.
214Tool KitFixed the Tool Kit Crashing issue, when exporting tags to Red Lion Workbench.
237Tool KitResolved the issue of creating tag description file.
198Red Lion WorkbenchNow, Red Lion Workbench Project gets compiled as a Big Endian also.
180Red Lion WorkbenchRed Lion Workbench supports serial port.




New Features:
161Tool KitAdded Red Lion Workbench support.


Known Issues:
158InstallationTool Kit 5.0.100 cannot be installed on Windows XP virtual machine.




New Features:
106IPM PerformanceUpdated minimum scan time as 8mSec in E2 configuration.


Fixed Issues:
38User OperationsFixed User Operations bug related to add and delete user.


Known Issues:
158InstallationTool Kit 4.0.172 and 4.0.173 cannot be installed on Windows XP virtual machine.


New Features:
14425ModbusSupport configuration of word order in 32-bit registers when communcating via Ethernet.
14650USBSupport COM port numbers greater than nine for communicating with stations.


Fixed Issues:
4692EtherTRAK-2In some cases when communicating via Ethernet, it was not possible to "wink" the LED on an EtherTRAK-2 module.
8407ISaGRAFIn some cases the Tool Kit would incorrectly report overlapping tags when exporting to ISaGRAF.
8411SIVMThe start address for SIVM tags was not always saved correctly.
8684, 11591, 11722, 11806, 12318, 12319, 12322, 13043, 13119, 14545HelpRevised numerous help pages.
9421DataloggingIn some cases the datalog server would not start.
9534DataloggingIt was not always possible to delete datalog configurations from the RTU.
11368DataloggingIt was not always possible to load datalog configuration to FLASH.
12616Firmware loadingThe timeout used when loading firmware to an RTU has been increased to make the process more robust.
12701AGAIn some cases the AGA configuration window would crash.
12931InstallationSupport 64-bit versions of Windows.
12970, 13880, 14983, 15129, 15136CommunicationIn some cases the helper process six32com would hang or crash resulting in failed communciation between the Tool Kit and the station.
13109ProjectsThe Tool Kit now stores projects and other data in the directory named in $ProgramData (typically C:\ProgramData) by default.
13644Connected StationsIn some cases, clicking on a station in the list of connected stations crashed the Tool Kit.
13646IPmThe Tool Kit can no longer download firmware to obsolete RTU models with 8MB of NOR. Some early hardware revisions of ST-IPm-2350, ST-IPm-1350, VT-IPm-1410, VT-IPm-2410, VT-mIPm-241-D, VT-mIPm-131-D, VT-uIPm-431-H, VT-uIPm-441-H, ST-GT-1210, and ET-GT-ST-3 are affected.
13673DataloggingLarge data records sometimes included invalid timestamps or data.
13745I/O TransfersModbus register addresses greater than 32000 were not handled correctly.
13984New StationAn invalid serial number was sometimes displayed when creating a new station.
14195I/O TransfersIP addresses in I/O Transfers were not updated when changes were made elsewhere in the project.
14222I/O TransfersRemote starting addresses for transfers were incorrectly changed in response to Modbus reconfiguration.
14260I/O TransfersIn some cases extra, blank I/O Transfers were created.
14462InstallationSome DLLs could not be registered or unregistered when installing or uninstalling the Tool Kit.
14553EtherTRAK-2In some cases, reading back configuration from an EtherTRAK-2 module displayed incorrect results.
14681InstallationThe USB serial driver distributed with the Tool Kit has been signed so it passes stricter security requirements in later versions of Windows.
14962Atomic ConfigurationIn some cases an atomic configuration package could not be created.
15019Atomic ConfigurationIn some cases, atomic configuation packages would not load properly into the RTU.
15027SecurityCreating firewall configuration for the RTU could sometimes crash the Tool Kit.
15095EtherTRAK-2Under conditions of heavy network load, loading firmware to an EtherTRAK-2 module could fail.
15145Port ForwardingConfiguration of Port Forwarding in the RTU has been removed from the Tool Kit.




New Features:
13043EtherTRAK-2Added 16ISOTC wiring diagram to help.
12665IPmOptimized clear configuration.


Fixed Issues:
13211IPmFixed issue where comm port could become inaccessible after a NVRAM format.
13118IPmClarified setting in advanced RTU configuration page.
13021IPmImproved reliability of changing station numbers.
12971IPmImproved Datalog configuration readback.
12970EtherTRAK-2Addressed occasional communication failures.
12950Tool KitFixed errors loading configuration after formatting battery backed RAM.
12931Firmware LoaderFixed freeze-up issue when upgrading firmware.
12919Tool KitFixed problem with clearing RTU configuration.
12912Tool KitFixed crash when resetting comm port.



New Features:
12323HelpAdded help for the SNTP synch bit.
12322HelpAdded help for the Datalog status bits.
12319HelpAdded help for the Batch loading feature.
12318HelpAdded help for UDR-A.
12011Tool KitAdded scan time information in the EtherTRAK-2 filtering options dropdown for AI modules.
10917Tool KitAdded datalogging status bit configuration.
10899Tool KitAdded protection from loading firmware v4.8 or greater to 16MB IPms.


Fixed Issues:
12627Tool KitFixed bug that caused SixTRAK module status LEDs to continue flashing after the module was linked and the project changes were applied.
12616Firmware LoaderIncreased timeout in the Tool Kit's firmware loader.
12615Tool KitFixed bug that caused an error when reading the firmware version.
12570Tool KitFixed error in calculation of register counts in the RTU configuration I/O transfers.
12569Test I/OFixed error in unit representation for remote I/O modules.
12526HelpAdded details to "Restart Reason" in the SIVM help.
12518Tool KitFixed crash issue when creating an atomic configuration package with an invalid .x6m file location.
12496Tool KitFixed default configuration for the E2/EB-MIX24880 to disable the "Use last 8 discrete channels as outputs" option.
12493HelpFixed typo in SIVM help information.
12492InstallationUpdated the Licensing Agreement.
12489Tool KitFixed atomic loading operation to provide a warning if attempting to load an atomic configuration that is too large.
12477Tool KitClarified atomic configuration loading communication errors.
12461Tool KitFixed bug in I/O transfer configuration that would change the remote station number to zero.
12453Tool KitFixed error when reading the station's version information.
12293Tool KitFixed saving of RS-485 settings in old VT stations.
12221Tool KitFixed channel listing errors in main Tool Kit screen.
12220Tool KitFixed trouble importing EtherTRAK-2 tag names into remote I/O tags.
12209Tool KitRemoved "current hardware revision" listing when loading to an EtherTRAK-2.
12207HelpUpdated the SIVM help to include the reset type of SysRstTrig.
12205HelpUpdated RTU configuration discrete options help.
12153Tool KitAdded warning if attempting to load a DSM module to a device which has firmware that does not support it.
12152Tool KitFixed selectability issue of status bits in datalog configuration.
12016HelpUpdated the wiring and specifications for EtherTRAK-2 modules.
12008Tool KitFixed flickering mouse-over issue in tree view.
12006Tool KitFixed datalog configuration log rate modification issue.
12003Tool KitFixed inability to Create a new Virtual Module via Tree View.
12001Tool KitFixed issue of "No Remote I/O Links in Project" message appearing multiple times when adding a module to an RTU.
11999Tool KitFixed Icon for ET-GT-ST-3 to match in tree view and "create new module" dialog dropdown.
11998Tool KitFixed issue of name changing from RTU to Gateway Configuration under Tree View.
11997Tool KitFixed issue of tag description info for station status module getting copied from system information module.
11972Tool KitFixed issue of scan time not being saved under remote IO Link.
11959Tool KitFixed issue of serial number and version command errors appearing after performing a clear configuration operation.
11956Test I/OFixed issue of AX8-AX15 showing as disabled within Test I/O.
11938Tool KitDisabled selection for diagnostic information for EtherTRAK-2s since no diagnostic information would be returned.
11932Tool KitFixed issue of Tool Kit crashing while modifying the number of Analog output registers for EtherTRAK-2 modules.
11931Tool KitFixed issue of ST-DI-CNT-08U configuration reporting that "There are no discrete registers available/enabled on this module."
11930Tool KitFixed issue in the AGA configuration add-on that while assigning tags, the tags are blacked out and it is hard to make assignments correctly.
11929Test I/OFixed issue of "Disabled" showing for registers that should not be disabled.
11928Tool KitFixed the issue of the previously loaded project reloading automatically when the user attempts to create a new project.
11927Tool KitFixed the issue of the Network IP settings disappear for EtherTRAK-2 modules when changing between Dual Ethernet Modes and Network 1/2 tabs.
11919Tool KitFixed the issue of the Network IP settings for remote I/O modules not saving when configured from context menu in the tree view.
11908Tool KitFixed the issue of the remote I/O register configuration list behaving oddly if the "Enter" key is pressed while editing the bottom register.
11907Tool KitFixed the issue of Tool Kit crashing when attempting to load an invalid configuration.
11906Tool KitFixed the issue of an invalid configuration being created when changing an RTU from a VT-IPm-1410 to a VT-IPm2m.
11903Tool KitFixed the issue of the EtherTRAK-2 Drop Physical Outputs option becoming enabled for AI Modules after performing a read-back operation.
11900Tool KitFixed the issue of the "Load all now" operation not loading the project archive.
11899Tool KitFixed the issue of text disappearing from the EtherTRAK-2 loading dialog if you click on the window randomly.
11891Tool KitFixed the issue that would cause Tool Kit to crash if there was a blank entry in the I/O transfer table when attempting to download the configuration to the RTU or create an atomic configuration file.
11860Tool KitFixed the issue that would cause a checkbox in the tree views column to not change until you moved the cursor off it.
11855Tool KitFixed the issue that would cause "Unknown analog input range" errors when reading back an E2/EB-16ISOTC configuration.
11847Tool KitFixed the issue that would cause an RTU to not recognize changes to Modbus starting addresses.
11844Tool KitFixed the issue that would cause the mouse pointer to disappear when it was hovering over a "+" on the RTU configuration Advanced tab.
11837Tool KitFixed the issue that would cause the "Time Sync Status bit type" and "Time Sync Status bit address" to be selectable even when "Enable Time Sync Status bit" box was unchecked (which was contrary to specifications).
11815Tool KitFixed the issue that when copying a station to another project, it wouldn't copy the "connected to" information.
11811Tool KitFor EtherTRAK-2 I/O transfers, the "Create Virtual Module" checkbox was removed since it was not applicable.
11806Firmware LoaderFixed the help button in the EtherTRAK-2 firmware loader dialog.
11722HelpAdded help information to explain why there appears to be a discrepancy between the IP address shown on the Tool Kit status bar and the address shown in the RTU configuration when the IP is calculated automatically.
11687Tool KitFixed the issue of the SIVM values for "Free NVRAM", "Total NVRAM", "Total Datalog Memory", and "Free Datalog Memory" only displaying zeros in Test I/O due to their fractional values.
7711Tool KitFixed the issue of the third and fourth counter timebases not being equivalent for EtherTRAK-2 modules with four high-speed counters.



New Features:
11776Tool KitAdd support for SSH in the ST-IPM-8360.
11736Tool KitAdd SNTP clock sync status configuration.
11444Tool KitAdd support for RTUs: ST-IPM-8360, VT-mIPm-138-D, and VT-mIPm-248-D.



New Features:
11647Tool KitInclude the status of the loaded atomic configuration package to the SIVM AI26 value.
11525Tool KitAdd RTU model ID to atomic configuration package.
11517Tool KitInclude the CRC of the loaded atomic configuration package to the SIVM L10 value.
11474Tool KitName the file extension for an atomic configuration package to be ".6cp".
11424Tool KitReorganize the atomic configuration menu items.
11423Tool KitWhen selecting stations to create atomic configuration packages for, automatically select the redundant counterpart of redundant pairs.
11187Tool KitOnly provide the menu options for the CITECT server when it is registered.
10924Tool KitProvide Tool Kit executable parameters to create and load atomic configuration packages from the command-line.
10872Tool KitAllow Tool Kit to create and maintain the RTU user IDs for auditing purposes.
10628Firmware LoaderPrevent accidental downloading of incompatible firmware to an RTU that contains a large NAND sector size.


Fixed Issues:
11689Tool KitFix error when including a project archive during a configuration load.
11368DataloggingFix incorrect firmware version error when the datalog configuration is being loaded to FLASH.
11268Tool KitFix hardware revision error while trying to load a configuration with Channels 3 and 4 as H.S counters on an E2-MIX20884.
10882Tool KitInclude the missing BEP driver and configuration add-on.



New Features:
11251, 11155, 10870, 10710, 10639, 10612RTUAdded configuration of users and additional permissions for authenticated UDR protocol.
10429Tool KitAllow relative paths when specifying RTU files to load.
10355RTUAdded functionality for transmitting a configuration package to an RTU.
9236Tool KitIncreased Tool Kit speed when loading large project files.


Fixed Issues:
11273EtherTRAK-2Fix EtherTRAK-2 user configuration so that a deleted user's permissions will not overwrite the "No Login Required" permissions.
11105EtherTRAK-2Fix high speed counters for E2-16DI24 and E2-32DI24 modules.
10492EtherTRAK-2Added password strength indicator and updated the help file.
10405Tool KitFixed setting corruption if a comma exists in the project file path.



New Features:
10123EtherTRAK-2Added heartbeat monitoring watchdog features.
6812EtherTRAK-2Support dashes in the station names in the main station list.


Fixed Issues:
10326Tool KitImproved naming consistency by changing the terminology in the IPm port configuration from "Ethernet1" and "Ethernet2" to "Network 1/Eth0" and "Network 2/Eth1" respectively.
10325Tool KitChanged the labels in IPm Advanced Ethernet from "Ethernet1" and "Ethernet2" to "Network 1/Eth0" and "Network 2/Eth1" respectively.
10324Tool KitChanged the text in the IPm redundancy configuration window from "Eth0" and "Eth1" to "Network 1/Eth0" and "Network 2/Eth1" respectively.
10256Tool KitFixed bug that caused the initial discrete and analog output addresses to start at "-1" when a VT-IPm-1410 contained a remote link to a RM-RTU-8440 module.



New Features:
10156InstallationChanged the Tool Kit installer and uninstaller icons to be aesthetically more appealing.
9665Tool KitChanged the Tool Kit icon to be aesthetically more appealing.
9242Tool KitAdded the ability to delete more than one I/O transfer at once.
9237Tool KitAdded the ability to delete more than one module at once.


Fixed Issues:
10133Tool KitEnabled Lead and Lag time entries for the IPm RS-485 port configuration.
10058Tool KitFixed crashing problem after multiple "Read Back" operations.
9966Tool KitDisabled ineffective scaling values for I/O types LI, LO, FI, and FO. This helps to prevent some confusion about their operation.
9936DataloggingFixed the minimum log rate for the VT-IPm2m-113/213 so that it can be set below 200ms.
9905ISaGRAFIn ISaGRAF export: Fixed bug that always selected FIs for SIVM, removed redundant backup stations, and changed the maximum number of channels per device from 32 to 128.
9851DataloggingFixed a bug that would attempt to load SiteTRAK/RemoteLog sixlog datalog configurations the same way as IPms resulting in error code 0x02.
9823Firmware LoaderFixed error when updating firmware from a zip file using Ethernet-only connection.
9793ISaGRAFAutomatically correct various ISaGRAF project file errors and discrepancies that could cause problems opening and running them.
9768Tool KitFixed Modbus communications failure over RS-485 at certain baud rates on EtherTRAK-2 modules.
9767Tool KitFixed blank default module name when copying to another project.
9765, 8712Tool KitFixed error when copying a module from an IPm to an IPm in another project.
9697Tool KitFixed loading old projects which have IPms with on-board analog outputs and counters.
9673Tool KitSet default number of decimals to six for floating point inputs and outputs.
9658Tool KitAdded descriptive error when Tool Kit upgrade file creation fails.
9652DataloggingFixed issue with datalogging that caused corruption of date stamps and data misalignment and also caused triggered events to to report incorrect discrete values.
9534Tool KitFix mismatch between main datalog list and load advanced list.
9512ISaGRAFFixed debugging errors that would occur when running an ISaGRAF project that was created using an earlier version of ISaGRAF.
9482Tool KitFixed issue with E2/EB-10RTD, E2/EB-8ISOTC, and E2/EB-16ISOTC resetting their scale values back to defaults after being configured.
9236Tool KitSet preferred base addresses for Tool Kit DLLs.
8975HelpClarified SIVM information within the standard Tool Kit help.
8871Tool KitFix invalid component update message during Tool Kit startup if ISaGRAF had been uninstalled.
7288HelpFixed problem with help for the "Copy Prior" button while configuring tags.



New Features:
6251Firmware LoaderAdded the ability to find the matching firmware image file within a zip archive containing files for multiple IPm types.
9005Tool KitAdd warning for consecutive underscores in tag names.
9013InstallationAdd Windows 7 USB-to-serial driver support.
8975HelpAdd SIVM information to the standard Tool Kit help.


Fixed Issues:
9587Tool KitFixed invalid starting DI/DO values for new module configurations added to IPms.
9421DatalogFixed "Server not registered" error when starting the datalog server.
9531DatalogFixed Tool Kit crash when reading back datalog configuration information from a redundant station.
9412InstallationFixed installation and registering of HTML Help components.
9508Tool KitFixed display of secondary IP information in IPm redundant controller options if there is no second Ethernet port.
6429Tool KitFixed Ethernet communication failure while running in 64-bit Windows 7.
9502Tool KitFixed inter-station duplicate tag name error detection failure.
9384InstallationFixed installation issues regarding uninstallation and updating new software components.
9013USB DriverEliminated failure message in log listing when installing in 64-bit Windows 7.
9330Tool KitPort settings are retained when changing a station type to another compatible type (for example, changing a VT-MIPM-131-D to a VT-MIPM-135-D).
9331Tool KitAnalog scaling settings are retained when changing the station type between a VT-MIPM-131-D and a VT-MIPM-135-D.
9392Log ViewerFixed log viewer crashing issue when reading records from the ST-IPM-6350.
9406Tool KitFixed range selection drop-down list for E2/EB-MIX24882 counter channels.
8996Tool KitEliminate error message if automatic update web site is not accessible.
7090Firmware LoaderUpdate firmware loader version to 1.13.
8837Tool KitWhen tag names are auto-generated, consolidate double underscores.
9412InstallationAlways include the HTML Help control.
8871InstallationIn Windows 7, automatically configure Tool Kit for XP SP3 compatibility.
8684HelpInclude "AlarmConfigurationHelp.pdf" document in Tool Kit installation.



New Features:
7128ISaGRAFEnabled export from a VT-IPm2m-113 and VT-IPm2m-213 to ISaGRAF v3.x workbench.


Fixed Issues:
8615SIVMAdded help for the SIVM configuration pages.
8762, 8586Tool KitFixed bug that caused data corruption and loss while saving ET-MIX24880-D remote link information.
7090Firmware LoaderFixed the Firmware Loader Search Options dialog so it will now retain the selection settings.
8812ISaGRAFFixed bug that caused the error message "Unable to connect, Dialog with Resource failed" when attempting to download a new project to an RTU.
8732DataloggingFixed issue that caused the datalog information to be shifted into the wrong columns.
8516Datalog ServerAdded the Citect Datalog Server to the Tool Kit installation.
8678Tool KitFixed bug that would cause SIVM tag descriptions to appear in Station Status Module and Module Status Module tags.
8685Tool KitFixed bug in the connection list that caused incorrect station name selections for the I/O Gateway/RTU Station connection type.
8676Tool KitFixed problem with the IPm configuration opening to the wrong part if the firmware loader has been used.
8670Tool KitFixed Ethernet settings window draw issue for EtherTRAK-2 stations using DHCP. This fixes a window drawing problem that failed to display the '--DHCP--' text for the primary interface on initial open.
8213Tool KitFixed EtherTRAK-2 remote I/O Links to use the correct IP address.
8544Tool KitFixed internal reference bug for "IPm2m Onboard I/O".
8356Tool KitFixed a bug that would create project file corruption that would cause an error when re-starting Tool Kit.
8360Tool KitEnabled the menu selections for "Upgrade Firmware" and "Show DHCP Status..." if EtherTRAK-2s are selected from the tree view tabs.
8536SIVMFixed bug that left old SIVM data in an IPm after the module was removed.
8556InstallerFixed uninstaller bug that would cause some files to be removed from the next installation of Tool Kit after a reboot.
8599Tool KitFixed error locating remote station IP address when the station is not using Ethernet.
8602Test I/OFixed display of FO values in Test I/O to show zero decimal places instead of six when configured for zero.
8621, 8622, 8623, 8624Tool KitAdded module specific help for E2/EB-10RTD and E2/EB-16ISOTC.
8630Tool KitFixed invalid "First AO register" entry in the remote I/O analog options for E2/EB-10RTD and E2/EB-16ISOTC.
8533USBChanged USB driver .inf file and directory name to generic, "USBSerial", and fixed uninstall error.
8359ISaGRAFFixed ISaGRAF v3.47 communications bug that displayed 'Error Creating Notification Thread'.
8372Tool KitFixed bug that prevented disabling physical input reads for IPm stations.
8371Tool KitFixed bug that caused a base EEROM write failure on VT-MIPM-131-D.
8368Tool KitFor RTUs, list module numbers in sorted order in the selection combo box.
8407ISaGRAFFixed bug that included disabled tags in ISaGRAF export (false overlapped I/O error).
8411Tool KitFixed problem with SIVM register start values being recalculated.
8369Tool KitRestore FI, FO, LI, LO scale value editing capability.
8267Tool KitFixed bug in support of 0-20 mA AO configuration for E2-MIX24882.
8326Tool KitFixed bug that would automatically add a prefix to a copy of a module/station that had none.
8215ISaGRAFFixed Link Setup not retaining the station number.



Fixed Issues:
8201Tool KitFixed Tool Kit crashing when the user double-clicks in the RTU configuration's "Files to Load" or "User Software" lists.
7931Tool KitFixed appearance of duplicate I/O transfers via remote link.



Fixed Issues:
7941SIVMFixed the SIVM display of wrong values for "Flow control" and "restart reason".



Fixed Issues:
7978SIVM / Test I/OFixed the display of LI and FI units for the SIVM in the Test I/O window.



New Features:
8204Tool KitSupport 0-20 mA AI configuration in Tool Kit for E2/EB-MIX24882.


Fixed Issues:
8214Tool KitFixed duplicate I/O tag error which occurred even when tag restrictions were disabled.
7979Test I/OFixed Eth1 speed and status so they are not blank for the VT-MIPM-245-D.



Fixed Issues:
7924SIVMFixed fluctuating AI-0 values when a SIVM is deleted from an existing configuration and loaded.
8211SIVM/ISaGRAFAdded SIVM reset with each station configuration load.
7879Tool KitFixed the starting address for DO in MIX modules.
8196Tool KitFixed saving of analog scaling information for combination I/O modules.
8109Tool KitInitially select "Output" in calibration if module is only AO.
7317Tool KitFixed display of I/O transfers "To Discrete Out"/"To Analog Out" local start values.



Fixed Issues:
7949Tool KitFixed crash issue when project file may contain invalid tags.
7887Tool KitFixed crash issue when Analog Output Module type selected.



Fixed Issues:
8110Tool KitFixed I/O transfer settings for ISO modules.



New Features:
7753Tool KitAdded six32com.exe to display in About box.
7781Tool KitAdd message to discrete tabs if no discretes are available.


Fixed Issues:
7090Firmware LoaderFirmware load issue with v1.11 loader. Would not find firmware if using a .zip.



Fixed Issues:
7479ConfigurationFixed crash when trying to copy a station.
7781ConfigurationFixed blank analog and discrete tags for 16ISO20M.
7713ConfigurationFixed blank tag description for Analog I/O on E2 modules.
7801HelpFixed issue where version reported under help can be one greater than the version in the installer.
7744OEMAdded some OEM P/N's.
7775RedundancyFixed Tool Kit crash on second deselection of redundancy.



New Features:
7524OEMImproved OEM rebranding flexibility.


Fixed Issues:
7512EtherTRAK-2Fixed bug that always showed high speed counter 4 enabled after performing a read back operation.
7366SIVMFixed bug that did not save the reset enable.
6520Ring Switch MonitoringDefault tag names are now consistent with naming used in other areas of the Tool Kit.
7516SIVMChanged SIVM port names in port status section to match spec.
7471EtherTRAKFixed EtherTRAK configuration load failure when unit is at factory defaults.
7507LicensingFixed a bug where registered add-ons could be lost in some cases.
7577SIVM/RedundancyFixed duplicate tags when using Redundancy with a SIVM by removing the automatic tag assignments.
7291ISaGRAF/OEMUpdated publisher name and values to correct versions.
7142RegistrationFixed some awkward wording and generally improved the text.
7341SIVMAdded more meaningful value labels to the status registers.
7345HelpFixed copyright attribution in Test I/O's Help/About.
7575InstallFixed warning messages during DNP3 installation.
7152USBFixed reinstall of USB driver after manually deleting it from devices manager and then reinstalling the Tool Kit.
7166UIFixed issue with overlapping window buttons when installing E2-16ISO20M modules.
6523Test I/OFixed issue where E2/EB-16ISOTC modules display large values on disabled channels.
7689CommunicationsFixed issue with communications manager locking communications in some cases.
7707Configuration LoadingFixed bug which would reset the IPm after every config load. Now only does it if needed.
7735RedundancySetting redundant IP address of (empty address) now works.
7707ConfigurationFixed issue which would reset the unit on every config load.



Fixed Issues:
7515SIVMFixed bug that resulted in wrong tag names when changing the number of registers.
6935SIVMFixed bug that resulted in empty tag names when adding from context menu.
5775CalibrationFixed reset problems when exiting the calibration wizard.



New Features:
7239EtherTRAK-2Added 2 additional high speed counters to E2-MIX24882 (total of 4). Requires module hardware revision 0102.


Fixed Issues:
7372Counter Time BaseFixed bug that overwrote counter time bases when changing sink/source settings.
7341SIVMFixed minor bug that displayed scaled min/max values for discrete tags.
7322SIVMFixed bug that failed to write [port status] values when I/O Transfers use station number instead of name.
7063I/O TransfersI/O Transfers to remote I/O modules were not loaded with the correct IP address.
7197Auto-Open FeatureIf the previous file was removed and the 'Auto-Open Last Project File' was enabled, the Tool Kit would crash.
6945SIVMThe [port status] section was not written when empty.



Fixed Issues:
7105Port ConfigurationAfter loading firmware, port settings may have failed to load depending on timeout value.




New Features:
6660SIVMAdded SIVM. Requires IPm firmware 4.2.1014 and module daemon.
66360-20 mA Analog OutputsAdded 0-20 mA capability to m2m-213 and E2-MIX24882 for analog outputs. Requires IPm firmware 4.2.1014 and E2 firmware 1.11.
6660SIVMAdded 'Redundancy Role' to redundancy module. This is used by the SIVM.


Fixed Issues:
6856Repair Old Install IssuesUpon running the .067 install, previous install and uninstall issues will be repaired. 'Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs' list is cleaned of dead links.




Fixed Issues:
6813ISaGRAF OptionsFixed bug that failed to store and read hot restart options.
6806ST-MIX-12884 CountersFixed bug that loaded 'Count Up' type only for ST-MIX-12884.
6802m2m and combination I/OFixed bug that left AO ranges at defaults (10V). 4-20 mA range is now loaded.
6790UninstallFixed problem with slashes in 'I/O' paths which prevented the uninstall from completing properly.
6731Test I/OFixed bug Test I/O that displayed the wrong units for rate counters.
6694EtherTRAK-2 Web UIFixed bug in loading from the Tool Kit which resulted in the Web UI showing incorrect tag names.
6670EtherTRAK-2EtherTRAK-2 station names were not enforced to be unique which caused DAO errors.
6656Remote I/O LinksFixed bug that failed to remove remote I/O links when the target EtherTRAK-2 was deleted.
6489ImportEtherTRAK-2 stations were missing from the 'I/O Definitions' import.
5737Project FilesFixed bug that crashed the Tool Kit when opening a read-only file.
6741InstallFixed missing .customize files for DNP3, AGA, and IEC60870.
6693EtherTRAK-2Fixed bug that crashed the Tool Kit when reducing the number of I/O in an EtherTRAK-2 station.
6719IPm2mFixed register shifting bug when the on-board I/O module is not the first in the list.



New Features:
6596RTUAdded capability to monitor ISaGRAF. See the advanced tab of an IPm station configuration.


Fixed Issues:
6471IPm2mFixed AO register range problem in calibration of IPm2m (-213).
6412IPm2mFixed bug that prevented the high speed counter option for IPm2ms.
6400SixlogFixed read back bug that resulted in corrupt record content configurations.
6387, 5985InstallFixed uninstall warning messages. The Tool Kit is now using the NullSoft (NSIS) installer.
6385SixlogFixed crash when stations report an error during reading of records.
6384IPm2mFixed bug that resulted in invalid analog tag names/ranges for AO registers.
6368ST-GT-1210FTP and Telnet options were incorrectly available in the UI.
6287WatchdogFixed bug that failed to save the freeze/drop settings under watchdog settings.
6174Remote I/O LinksFixed bug that only included 8 counters for EtherTRAK-2 MIX modules (corrected to 16).
5983InstallFixed bug that requested a disk during repair option. The Tool Kit is now using the NullSoft (NSIS) installer.



Fixed Issues:
6365UninstallFixed uninstall error/warning that .tlb files did not unregister.



Fixed Issues:
6368ST-GT-1210Fixed FTP and Telnet options bug that allowed them to be selected although not supported.
6399IPm2mFixed bug that shifted analog output tags in project files previous to v3.50.042.
6412IPm2mFixed bug where first channel not selectable as HS counter.
6471IPm2mFixed calibration for m2m analog outputs (range and register number).



Fixed Issues:
6123RTUFixed missing sink/source option for mix modules and mini/micro IPms.
6350IPm2mFixed bug that loaded datalog configurations to flash instead of /nvram.
6235EtherTRAK-2The 'Specify an IP address' option now uses the specified IP instead of switching to the new IP address.
6174EtherTRAK-2Remote I/O links to EtherTRAK-2 mix modules now use 16 counters instead of the 8 previously assigned.



New Features:
6164RTUAdded capability to freeze/drop and manual control with watchdog.


Fixed Issues:
6094RTULoading with incompatible communications settings caused the Tool Kit to appear to be locked up.
6184RTURemoved 256 I/O point limitation from all IPm products.
6166IPm2mWatchdog settings were not being displayed correctly.
6225Datalog ServerFixed bug that caused serial port transfers to be missed by the server.
6235EtherTRAK-2When using 'Specify an IP' option in device setup, the station load operation will now use this IP for the entire process.



New Features:
6013E2-16DORLYAdded the 16 channel relay module to the Tool Kit.


Fixed Issues:
5480Datalog ServerFirst set of records were being discarded.
6025Find Ethernet StationsThe search was not finding stations on the network.



New Features:
5741RedundancyAdded support for Dual LAN Redundancy. A common IP address can be added to each interface of an ST-IPm.


Fixed Issues:
5934EtherTRAK-2Fixed raw min/max value bug when changing ranges in ISOTC module.
5887Citect ExportThe browse button would not work if the Tool Kit could not find the folder in the registry.
5787Tool KitFixed memory leak.