

Measuring Performance KPIs With Visual Management Tools
To help improve processes, drive productivity and maintain a competitive edge in today’s global economy, leading companies use key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure their effectiveness in achieving business objectives. Using visual management tools to illuminate these metrics in real-time offers unique insights that empower organizations to resolve operational inefficiencies in the moment, as they are happening. In particular, companies are able to re-engineer and streamline operational...
Cellular Networking Solutions to Connect, Monitor and Control Remote Assets
Every business strives to protect revenue, as well as ensure uptime and availability for customers. The oil and gas, alternative energy, power, utilities, water and waste water spaces face unique challenges when working toward these goals. They must achieve seamless connectivity, regardless of expansive territories, asset age and types of communication technology. Using cellular networking to build smart remote sites overcomes many infrastructure, financial and safety barriers.
Connecting Legacy Equipment to the Industrial Internet of Things
Aggressive growth forecasts are helping to fuel interest in both the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), but details on what is required to make either a reality are still a bit hazy. Within the industrial sector, connecting disparate devices from multiple manufacturers is a key first step to creating the IIoT and is made possible through protocol conversion. After defining protocol conversion, this white paper will explore how this fundamental IIoT building...
Using Industrial Ethernet Switches to Maximize Uptime
Just as ice formation can stop the flow of a river, extreme temperatures can stop the flow of data from remote operations. Because modern facilities and control systems run on information, even a brief interruption to data flow can introduce significant risk to operations. Commercial-grade Ethernet switches have proven to be especially vulnerable because they are not engineered to withstand the fluctuating temperatures, humidity, vibration, dust and other conditions common to remote...
Using Versatile Control Options to Cost‐Effectively Save Space
Aside from the occasional spin‐off product release, panel meter development has remained relatively static over the last few years. As the market focuses on new products that offer more advanced capabilities, many companies are hesitant to invest money into products – such as panel meters – that fail to drive substantial growth or promise large returns. So where does this leave panel meters? In order to make panel meters a viable option for today’s businesses, compact cost‐effective devices...
Using Industrial Ethernet Switches to Assure Maximum Uptime
Alternative energy is a growing sector of the world’s power supply. For wind, sources to reliably scale, production must become more dependable and cost effective. Energy sources of the future will require next-generation infrastructures. Because key production variables change by the second, operators need real-time data collection, communication and control systems. The controls used to run traditional power generation operations are giving way to more intelligent, powerful and standardized...
Using a Mix of Fast & Gigabit Ethernet to Support Long-Term Goals
The variety of industrial applications that can be supported through the use of Ethernet technology continues to expand as the “Internet of Things” evolves into the “Industrial Internet of Things” and organizations work to improve operations through data integration. The networking requirements for applications can vary widely and most industrial networks will need to support a mix of Fast Ethernet (100Base) and Gigabit Ethernet (1000Base), or GigE, devices in the near future. After providing a...